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فيلم الوسادة الهوائية

إنه الخيار الأفضل فيما يتعلق بالحماية والكفاءة في التغليف. تضمن قابلية تعديله أفضل ملاءمة لمختلف المنتجات مع كونه خفيف الوزن، وبالتالي تقليل تكاليف الشحن وتعزيز سلامة المنتج أثناء النقل.

إنها تتيح حلول تغليف عملية وفعالة من حيث التكلفة. تضمن هذه الأجهزة سلامة المنتج أثناء النقل من خلال تقليل هدر المواد وتحسين مساحة التخزين.

الوسادة الورقية عبارة عن تغليف صديق للبيئة وقابل لإعادة التدوير. توفر حماية فائقة، وتقلل من تكاليف الشحن، وتقلل من التأثير البيئي. إنها مثالية لاستخدامات مختلفة.

من خلال الاختيار الدقيق للنوع والجودة المناسبين من أكياس وأعمدة الهواء، يمكن للشركات تحسين سلامة وكفاءة نقل المنتجات وتخزينها، مما يؤدي في النهاية إلى تحسين رضا العملاء وخفض التكاليف بسبب أضرار النقل.

تنتج هذه الأداة أعمدة هواء قابلة للتخصيص لحماية العناصر الهشة أثناء النقل. تعمل بسرعة 30 مترًا في الدقيقة للتطبيقات ذات الحجم الكبير، ولها مساحة صغيرة لسهولة التركيب في المساحات الضيقة، وسهلة الاستخدام، ولا تتطلب تدريبًا يذكر أو لا تتطلب أي تدريب. نظرًا لأنها مصنوعة من مواد طويلة الأمد، فيمكنها أن تتناسب مع أي نموذج عمل ووظيفة دون إتلافها.

آلة عمود الهواء

Upgrade Your Packaging Process with Xuanwang's Air Column Machine!

Upgrade Your Packaging Process with Xuanwang’s Air Column Machine! The machine we sell is advanced and efficient in producing air cushions quickly to protect goods during transportation. Its user-friendly installation process and simple operation are game changers for any business that desires to improve its packaging process.

Popular Machines

آلة عمود الهواء Q15D TUBE2

  • Model XWQ15D
  • Working Speed(15m/min Max)
  • Power(320W)
  • Air Column film width(150mm-1200mm width)
  • Certification (CE)
  • Warranty (One Year)

آلة تصنيع أكياس العمود الهوائي Q020 TUBE3

  • Model(XWQ020)
  • Working Speed(20m/min Max)
  • Power(320W)
  • Air Column film width(150mm-1200mm width)
  • Certification (CE)
  • Warranty (One Year)
  • Model(XWQ15D)
  • Working Speed(15m/min Max)
  • Power(450W)
  • Air Column film width(150mm-1200mm width)
  • Certification (CE)
  • Warranty (One Year)

Need help?

For assistance in choosing the right Air Column Machine, consult our experts for customized recommendations.

Why choose the Air Column Machine?

This tool produces customisable columns of air for protecting fragile items in transit, runs at 30m/min for high-volume applications, has a small footprint for easy installations in tight spaces, and is user-friendly, requiring little or no training. It can fit into any business model and function without damaging them because it is made from long-lasting materials.

Apply to:

Inflating air column rolls

The machine handles both air bubble film and air pillow film & rolls effectively, thereby meeting various packaging needs.

Inflating air column rolls
Inflating air column rolls
Suitable for L & Q type air column bags
Suitable for L & Q type air column bags
Apply to:

For L & Q type air column bags

It fills the L—and Q-shaped bags, which are perfect for accurately cushioning the corners and edges of packaged products.

Product Features

Fast Inflation Speed

Fast Inflation Speeds

It brings out an inflation rate of 15 m/ min, thus improving packing efficiency.

Multiple Air Vent Design

Multiple Air Vent Design

It ensures that even though it is happening at maximum speed, the inflation remains consistent.

Adjustable Air Pressure/Speed

Adjustable Air Pressure/Speed

Flexible options when it comes to packaging different things or anything else.

Global Export Compatibility

Global Export Compatibility

Plug options designed specifically for each country have been incorporated to facilitate export anywhere in the world.

Comparison Of Air Column Machine Parameters

Working Speed (Max)15m/min20m/min20m/min
Dimension (L*W*H, mm)815*300*577600*330*330730*730*780
Air Column Film Width (mm)150-1200150-1200150-1200
Certification & WarrantyCE, One YearCE, One YearCE, One Year

If you are looking for an air column machine, then you should consider our top-of-the-range models. These machines meet quality standards better than anyone on the market, which makes them great if your business packages delicate items efficiently and safely.

Welcome to Our Air Column Machine Factory!

لماذا تختار Xuanwang كمورد لك؟
لماذا تختار Xuanwang كمورد لك؟
  • فقاعة مملوءة بالهواء

    Why Choose Xuanwang's Air Column Machine?

    Here are five (5) most important of these benefits:

  1. High-Quality Manufacturing Standards: Xuanwang’s Air Column Machine is a Chinese source factory with strict quality control measures that guarantee high-quality manufacturing standards.
  2. Cost-Effective Solution:This machine provides a packaging solution at low operation costs and maintenance requirements.
  3. Enhanced Product Protection:The company’s air column bags have exceptional cushioning and shock-absorbing properties that improve product protection.
  4. Environmental Sustainability: To be eco-friendly, the machine uses recyclable materials and minimizes waste.
  5. Customization and Flexibility:The ability to tailor it to different sizes of products and shapes will optimize inventory levels and sustain the unboxing experience.
Air column machines are built with innovative cushioning technology, which packs items with unique columns of air. Consequently, this guarantees the safety and integrity of the product and enhances sustainability by saving on waste.

Logistics and e-commerce sectors find them very useful as they can quickly adapt to any situation due to their shock-absorbing capabilities while packaging eco-friendly materials.

المنتجات ذات الصلة

آلة الوسادة الهوائية/XWPAK001

  • Model: XWPAK001
  • Working Speed: 18m/min(Max)
  • Power: 320W
  • Voltage: 86-264V;50Hz-60Hz

آلة صنع الوسادة الهوائية/XWPAK020(بدون حزام)

  • Model: XWPAK020 (No Belt)
  • Working Speed: 15m/min(Max)
  • Power: 200W
  • Voltage: 110v/220v;50Hz-60Hz

Mini Air Cushion Machine/XWPAK018

  • Model: XWPAK018
  • Working Speed: 28m/min(Max)
  • Power: 450W
  • Voltage: 110v/220v;50Hz-60Hz

Air Pillow Cushion Machine/XWPAK045(No Belt)

  • Model: XWPAK045 (No Belt)
  • Working Speed: 25m/min(Max)
  • Power: 450W
  • Voltage: 110v/220v;50Hz-60Hz

Air Pillow Machine/XWPAK030(No Belt)

  • Model: XWPAK030 (No Belt)
  • Working Speed: 10m/min(Max)
  • Power: 144W
  • Voltage: 220V;50Hz-60Hz

Winder Machine for Air Cushion System

  • Power: 200W
  • Voltage: 220V or 110V (Selectable)
  • Maximum Length: Approx. 43 meters
  • Maximum Diameter: Approx. 0.95 meters

الأسئلة الشائعة

If you need more information about Air column machines, go ahead!

Q: What does the term Air Column Machine mean about Packaging?

A: An air column machine is a specialized device designed for packaging. It employs inflatable air columns which ensure items are cushioned and secure during transit/storage.

Q: How Does An Air Column Machine Work?

A: It inflates bags or tubes with air that forms a protective barrier around products, preventing any impact contact during transportation.

Q: What Are Some Benefits Of Using An Air Column Machine For Packaging?

A: They can adjust the amount of air depending on the size of the products, facilitating hermetic sealing. This way, they offer cost-effective solutions.

Q: Which Items Can Be Packed Using An Air Column Machine?

A: When it comes to fragile goods like ceramics, electronics, or beauty products, a preferential choice would be an air column machine since it provides additional protection.

Q: Can Air Column Machines Be Used In Eco-Friendly Packaging?

A: Yes. Therefore, these devices are made from recyclable materials, which promote sustainable and environmentally friendly packaging methods.

Q: Are These Wraps Made Of Air Columns More Durable Than Other Packing Options Available On The Market?

A: For one thing, they are superior to bubble wraps or foams in terms of their impact resistance properties despite having lesser weights, making them stronger when purchasing such materials for protecting goods.

Q: Is it possible to use this device with products of different Sizes?

A: Yes, these air column machines can be adjusted to meet the needs of all types of item sizes, which range from tiny to enormous, accommodating various packaging solutions.

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